Friday, February 1, 2008


Conservatives are beginning to gravitate toward Mitt ... and away from John McCain.

Sean Hannity and Laura Ingram has said that Gov. Romney has their vote. Rush Limbaugh has supported him, as has Ann Coulter. Ann, for those of you who missed it, provided one of the most amazing pieces of television theatre last night on Hannity & Colmes. She said that if McCain gets the GOP nomination that she will vote for Hillary Clinton, because SHE is more of a dependable conservative than HE is!

I hope she recants this if McCain DOES get the nomination, but her point was crystal clear: When stacked up against Sen. McClain, even Team Clinton appears conservative!

Another anti-endorsement has the Rev. James Dobson, head of Focus on the Family Ministries, saying that he could not support McCain if he is the nominee. Meanwhile, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum has endorsed Gov. Romney.

We are past the point of merely collecting endorsements, though. Super Tuesday is just a hair's breath away and Oklahoma has 41 delegates in the offing. We need to do what we can to get behind Mitt.

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