Saturday, January 26, 2008

Welcome to OKforRomney

Greetings and salutations!

This is a blog for Oklahomans who support Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination for president. After doing a google search I was disappointed to see that such a site did not already exist.

As future posts will show, I believe Gov. Romney is the clear-cut choice for president in 2008. I hope my fellow Oklahomans will join me in backing him on Super Tuesday and again in November.

1 comment:

Jarod Morris said...

Thank you for starting this blog! It is great to see others as interested as I am in electing a solid leader. There actually is a website devoted to Oklahomans for Romney. The website is and we have a blog on there as well.

Best of luck to all helping in this endeavor to elect Romney to the White House!

Jarod Morris